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Game of the Week

Family Farm

The Ultimate Farming Experience

When we see animal produce and farm produce such as bacon and corn respectively, we often don’t give thought to the process of how that food got to our table. There is a whole exciting and beautiful life that facilitated the availability of your dinner. Family Farm Seaside is a simulation game about farming that gives you the chance to explore this life.

Disclaimer: you are about to get busy! This game presents you with various thrilling challenges and activities that keep you occupied and give you an experience of what farm development would be like.

Running Your Farm

Family Farm Seaside features a kitchen where you will get to produce more than 400 dishes. Ingredients don’t just pop up. You are tasked with the production of more than 200 unique products by planting and harvesting. You have daily orders to fulfil and regular updates on mission. Remember, the world never really stops eating. I guess that’s why Family Farm Seaside gave us unlimited barn space!

You get to raise pets with Family Farm Seaside. You get to breed them to multiply their numbers. You can even clothe them with various costumes and purchase various equipment related to handling pets. You also get to run the Marine Sea Resort with a goal of making it the ultimate tourist destination.

Apart from the normal farm activities, your farm needs to look neat and well maintained. Family Farm Seaside has considered your farm’s aesthetic value with the 500+ decoration it has prepared for you. You also get to trade to fulfil the various farm needs that arise and even visit your neighbors to give a hand in decorations and sampling their latest dishes. These activities help you earn various prices. The Farm is a friendly environment!

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